101 Series

Education for Deaf Children

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzB3Asx2DZE Jordanian Sign Language This is the second blog post in a “101 Series” Martha EDU is publishing to educate Jordanians and their allies about the Deaf a community. Should deaf children be educated in sign language? Are there benefits for deaf children to be surrounded by deaf adults and other deaf children?  What educational programs are available in Jordan for my deaf child? How can I learn sign language along with my child? Should deaf children be educated in sign language? ​Educators and advocates should consider...


What is Jordanian Sign Language (LIU)?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohBytt0KFzA Jordanian Sign Language This is the first blog post in a “101 Series” Martha EDU is publishing to educate Jordanians and their allies about the deaf a community. Is there a universal sign language? Is sign language an actual language? Are there dialects of sign language? Does Jordan have its own sign language? Is there a universal sign language? Each country’s sign language develops uniquely with influences from the culture and community it originates from and “differ[s] from each other as much as spoken languages differ.”1 Although...

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