GOAL 4: Quality Education We encourage a collaborative approach that allows children, parents, and guardians to learn and reach literacy in sign language together.
Shifting the burden from women and girls
GOAL 5: Gender Equality Our product can help families and communities take initiative and collaborate- instead of fully relying on the overwhelming and unpaid work which women and girls are held responsible for because of certain gender-related misconceptions and norms.
Advocating for d/Deaf children and people
GOAL 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
We work with the d/Deaf community to develop our products and build platforms on which their stories reach more segments of society, decision-makers, and the international community.
Building an educational experience which involves parents, guardians, and others
GOAL 4: Quality Education Our content is produced with children in mind at every stage without promoting stereotypes or common biases.
Filling the gap in public education
GOAL 10: Reduce Inequality By preserving and promoting Jordanian Arabic Sign Language in the public domain as well as formal and informal education systems.
GOAL 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
We strive to foster spaces and dialogue dedicated to d/Deaf inclusion that counter societal misperceptions and limitations regarding the d/Deaf community.